How Magic the Gathering Addiction Saved Me From Years of Drugs

Jarett Dunn
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2021


Edit: want a slice of this business?

Magic: The Gathering Online Business NFTs

About 2 weeks ago, my new roommate introduced me to Magic: The Gathering by showing me some matches he was playing on Magic: The Gathering Arena. He also showed me some of his physical cards.

By the time I beat the Arena tutorials, I was hooked.

I haven’t had a single narcotic since.

Almost immediately I spent hundreds — and hundreds — of dollars on that game. I racked up a credit card bill that’s since (mostly) been paid — but not a single dollar of those dollars went to drugs.

It’s funny: for years, addictions therapists and counsellors and stuff have been telling me to replace my routines and dopamine sources with other things. For years, I laughed in their faces as they’ve probably never done the drugs and don’t realize nothing can compare.

Folks, all you need is a net-new addiction.

Then, almost by mistake, I found out there’s a much cooler thing out there (although it might not look as pretty…)

In the 90s (seriously) Wizards of the Coast (check it out if you’re meta meta cuz their ticker up 60% in 3mo) released an online version of their popular trading card game.

In this game (long before crypto started tokenizing everything, long before Crypto Kitties) users own digital rights to their cards — they can trade, sell, prospect, or otherwise earn from their crypto cards.

My MTGO portfolio value plotted over time in the last 48 hours, expressed as a % of USD value

Much, much more was spent here — where I can actively trade the cards.

Now, Bitcoin is becoming more and more mainstream and I’m becoming less and less interested. I also signed some NDAs and non-competes and stuff and need to be much more hush on the internet than I had been until now.

Magic is the new Bitcoin.

Hear me out: the margins are higher, the risk is lesser, and the userbase has a special differentiating factor — where Bitcoin draws value from consensus of markets, Magic is actually hella fun to play.

So, almost immediately I noticed there’s about 2000 automated trading bots that will trade anything Magic and buy or sell you cards at BBO or even in bulk.

There’s one free license you can get for one of these bots — I haven’t figured out how to trade at FMV but I have figured out how to trade in bulk.

Me decisively explaining self while trolling a reddit troll, right back at cha.

My margins are 200%. Or, even more if someone sells me something I can sell at the bots that will give me FMV.

Here’s a bigger lol: real-world cards are worth far, far more than the online cards — bigger market, better stores of value. Here’s a bot I wrote to compare ebay listings with FMV to find some gems worth picking up (minus the false flags — some human intervention would be required here):

Source: my PowerShell scripts

So I dunno what to tell ya folks.

Magic is a far better addiction than most addictions, plus I get to keep and compound on my investment. With drugs, on the other hand, you have money one second then drugs the next then nothing at all on the third second. Worst yet — maybe a debt or two, and then you’re in a vicious little self-defeating spiral.

Magic is the new Bitcoin.

Magic is something I can restart writing about to all my online circles that used to follow the progress of my crypto bots, cuz it certainly doesn’t compete with my hedgefund. Ha!

Now, if I have your attention and you’ve read below the fold — congratulations!

A few tips:

  1. if you download MTG Arena, don’t spend any money until you redeem allllll the codes you can find on a search on your favorite search engine for ‘mtg arena coupons.’ You’ll get maybe 100–200 cards, and some wildcards you can redeem for whatever cards you fancy.
  2. if you’d prefer not throwing your money away and potentially amassing a fortune instead, make sure to sign up to Cardhoarder — a leading trading firm for MTG Online — using this referral link, you’ll get some free credits (worth about a buck — but hey, if you’re going to do it anyways might as well get the free dollar :) )
  3. Look up cardhoarder’s free bots. If you sort the offer by rarity and take the 64 most rare cards every month you’re allowed, you’ll make another $6-$7 USD worth of cards — every month — this is free.
  4. Then, look up our bots :) most bulk bots will sell you 1000 commons for $1, we’ll sell you 1100 — etc etc for all the rarities, we offer 10% better. We also buy your unwanted cards at 10% better.

Our bots:




